By dead - 09/03/2010 00:49 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend of 3 years left me because apparently I'm "too beautiful and he can no longer handle other guys always trying to flirt with me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 619
You deserved it 6 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments


YDI for dating a guy that can't man up and break up with you straight

My fiance is gorgeous. She's a Zumba and fitness instructor. I'm a very confident man and it doesn't bother me at all if other men flirt with her. I expect it to happen. No big deal. I trust her and if she were to betray that trust, she'd lose me. Simple as that. Sound like you need a guy who's more mature.

SS_Silvy 0

I dont blame the guy. I have the same problem with my girl. A lot of guys check her out and hit on her and ask her out and that pisses me off soo i too considered breaking up with her but i learned to deal with it.

Ok um it sounds like you're trying to flaunt yourself here

Sounds like you're fishing for compliments. Get over yourself, he probably broke up with you because you're a narcissist.

mikesvodka 1

Uhhh Wth lol this is so fake.

I just got dumped for same reason after being with my bf for two years but to top it off I got dumped cos of this chick was trying flirt with me... -.- I'm straight....

Well at least your beautiful I mean that's a plus though I don't think that's any reason to dump someone I actually think it would be the opposite

xavgum 2

that's half of a reason why I broke up mine :/

Thats probably the sweatest thing someone can tell you when you brake up