By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I said yes and he gave me an engagement ring. He immediately went to call his mom to tell her the happy news. After the phone call, he asked if he could return the ring because his mom needed money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 490
You deserved it 3 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oi. That sucks. But hey, it's okay. It's just a ring. It's not like he took back his proposal.


Wow, your soon-to-be stepmom is a ****/*****/bitch. He just proposed and all she cares about is money?!?!! What the ****!?!?!? Stripper, much?

If his mom can manipulate him this well and to 180 degrees so fast, the marriage ahead is looking like a rocky road. :(

Egotistical 0

if she had a really good reason I would have gave it back. If she doesn't have a job and hasn't had one in years I would have kept it. But if she got laid of due to the reccessuon her out. It's not about the ring. It's about the fact that he cares for you dearly and wants to spend the rest of his life with you and start a family. Hope the wedding goes great. :)

oh no! he cares for his family and is honest! what's the problem?

I'd like to know how that conversation went. "Guess what Mom, I'm engaged!!" .. "Really? How much did you spend on the ring, because I really need money right now ..." I just cannot imagine any way that conversation could have played out wherein getting engaged somehow turns into returning the ring for money, unless his mom flat out asked him to do so. All I can say is that I hope for the two of you that she had a legitimate (read : crisis-level) reason for needing the money. If she isn't about to lose her house or requiring immediate medical attention, this is a very bad sign.

I think this is one of those stories where a detail is not being mentioned (in this case why the mother needed money). While it would suck to ask for that back, if there was a good reason why his mom needed money like medical bills or because she couldn't afford her mortgage and would be foreclosed on without his help then while I'm sympathetic again because of the fact that having to give that ring back would suck and ruin the moment, if the mother seriously did need help for something important the girl is just being selfish to treat this as an FML. The reality is it's probably FML for the mother. The girl should really be happy that she has such a great guy who cares for his mother, because often the way a guy treats his mother will give you some indication of how he'll treat his wife.

SEXISM.. In this day and age, it's god damn time ladies pay for their own wedding ring!!

ziqi92 0

on the bright side, its clear that he really cares about family. i'm not surprised that he would prioritize his mom over u. hey, at least ur getting married right? thats the important part.

This is an engagement ring, idiot. What, is she supposed to go out and buy her own damn ring and then wait for someone to propose so she can wear it?

tab_ga1990 0

Actually #94 its called an engagement ring. We buy men wedding rings (or bands (same thing)) and the men buy us wedding bands for at the wedding. Men buy engagement rings as a symbole of their engagement not to sit there and have the woman buy that. Its not sexism at all. Its just a tradition, and never in my life have I ever seen a man complain about having to buy the woman he loves an engagement ring. I'm with rightsaidred, if she did that...she'd just look desperate and we all know that men hate desperate women.