By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I said yes and he gave me an engagement ring. He immediately went to call his mom to tell her the happy news. After the phone call, he asked if he could return the ring because his mom needed money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 490
You deserved it 3 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oi. That sucks. But hey, it's okay. It's just a ring. It's not like he took back his proposal.


nonnymouse 0

Wow. I'm sorry, but don't marry him. If he cannot put you before his mommy, that is NOT going to change, and you will forever be competing with her.

icedrake523 2

YDI for caring so much about the ring.

aww that really sucks:( i hope you let him though.

I agree w/ sugarcandy. Mama is selfish, and if your man is this much of a mama's boy this early on, take it as a sign. You don't want to, and shouldn't have to play second fiddle to mommy! he needs roman up!

Is he an idiot? He'll never get anything close back for whatever he paid for the ring. It would be such a waste to try and sell it back and he would be losing so much money. =/ What a loser.

Don't marry him. His Mama has him by the balls and won't let go. It takes a real bitch to ask your son to hock his fiancee's ring. If you marry him she will try to run both of your lives.

**** your life for having a bitch of a mother in law. Her son's a winner though (:

FYL. Not only do you have to deal with an apparently difficult mother-in-law if you do get married, you also have to face the possibility that your fiance will tend to take her side over yours. That seems like it would put a strain on a marriage. My ex worked to put himself through college and law school, and on top of it managed to save a little bit of money to hold him over while he looked for a job once he was done with school and no longer had student loans to support him. His mom forged his signature and stole $10,000 from his savings account. Most of it was apparently used to support his 35 year old brother who lives in their parents' basement. I guess some women just lack that maternal instinct.