By Anonymous - 07/09/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years proposed to me. I said yes and he gave me an engagement ring. He immediately went to call his mom to tell her the happy news. After the phone call, he asked if he could return the ring because his mom needed money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 490
You deserved it 3 872

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oi. That sucks. But hey, it's okay. It's just a ring. It's not like he took back his proposal.


alexgisforme3 0

his mom should get a job...thats bullshit to ask her son to take his fiancees ring back so she can have money. really ****** up. im sorry. i wouldnt give it back

anonymous9010 0

Drinking and gambling are not good reasons why she has no money. If anything, those are the two worst reasons, and it's basically her fault. Then again, if she needs or something, that's another story. But anyway, that does kinda suck cause the engagement got all hyped up with a ring, but he still loves you and maybe you'll get a ring that's 2 times nicer than this one in the near future :-) In all honesty, when I was reading this, I thought it was gonna end with "and his mother told him to break off the engagement." Glad it wasn't that.

No no, I meant "good reason" like "there's a good reason why some people are in jail" kind of "good reason." Not like she deserved money, but that she didn't and expected it.

anonymous9010 0

Oh okay. I'm sorry. I was reading it over and over again and I was thinking "how does this person think drinking is a good reason?" haha.

lol yeah, sorry about that, should have put it a different way

DanceRox9008 0

i mean yes it sucks to have to give the ring back but he still loves you, and he cares about his mom, so both of those are good things. eventually hell probably have enough money to get you another ring. so i wouldnt stress about it too much

ViKAx3 0

awwww thats really sad. give him the ring. unless shes a bitch. then dont.

tsnyder700 0

That's sad. Although not that big of a deal. Your still gettin' married. ... Right?

sublime93 0

Why would you call his mom & not yours?

YDI "...You should've said no, You should've gone home, You should have thought twice before you let it all go...." That way you wouldn't have had to return it JK

CheshireHalli 19

It said that he called his mom. Not that she called his mom.

The marriage isnt what she is interested in. She's interest in the skin that casts the foreshadow

xThatRandomGirlx 0

could be a foreshadowing of your marriage

I was thinking you were gonna reply with Beyonce lyrics to this one

feari_princess 0

funnyyyy. but that songs about cheating... :P op: well thats kinda bitchy og her.... but she DID raise him so.... oh well. im sure youll get a ring

Sorry, my repertoire is limited, so i couldnt think of too many Im not even sure what beyonce song you are talking about:( Anywho, you may send requests by messaging me. just make sure to add the meaning of the song

'Cause if you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it I believe it's entitled All The Single Ladies

DAMNIT i know that song... i just didnt have it on my itune. limewire here i come

Answer to him an his mother: take a long walk off a short cliff. Seriously though, isn't the ring a gift for the promise of marrying him? So, as you have not broken your promise, (yet *fingers crossed* though this would be a good reason!!) you shouldn't give the ring and he shouldn't have asked. Tbh he should have left you offer! Is she that badly off???

That sucks, but it's not the end of the world. At least you're still engaged. Still, his mother kind of sucks for asking him to do that (I'm supposing she asked).