By weddinggirl - 27/08/2010 09:57 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend of five years finally asked me to marry him. He said, "We could save on taxes if we got married… What do you think?" That was the most romantic thing he's said to me in the last two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 420
You deserved it 10 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol. ydi for staying in a relationship with no romance. at least for ur end, try to spice things up


YDI for being with him. And YDIx100000 if you marry him.


Oscar_Wilde 0

If I was a girl, I'd go for that!

ersa1802 0

they say romance fades during a marriage... if theres no romance now... sounds like it's gonna be a fun marriage. ;)

No offence intended, and I don't believe I'm being precipitous here but, I don't believe this is the man for you sweetie.

YDI for not dumping his ass 2 years ago.

fmlgirl26 0

you should have left him two years ago

i_Tanya 3

wow! u wasted some serious time and listen to everyone else, if not you'll end up in an unhappy marriage and a short nerve-wracking divorce soon after.

AshDramatiicsxz 2

lol 19 I couldn't agree more lol hahaha

FeedtheBrood 0

please lern 2 use quotation marks.

rkcraig53 0

Leave this dirtbag! It'll get worse instead of better... Surely you can find better! Dump and run as fast as you can!