By weddinggirl - 27/08/2010 09:57 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend of five years finally asked me to marry him. He said, "We could save on taxes if we got married… What do you think?" That was the most romantic thing he's said to me in the last two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 420
You deserved it 10 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol. ydi for staying in a relationship with no romance. at least for ur end, try to spice things up


YDI for being with him. And YDIx100000 if you marry him.


mintcar 9

Eh, YDI. If that is the most romantic thing he's said in 2 years then it seems to me that your marriage is only going to lack romance.

Walk away. If this is how you feel about the relationship now, imagine how it'll be in 20 years. You're just wasting both your time and his.

meliimin 0

ydi for still dating the douche after 2 years of no romance.

ydi to not realise this would happen in the first 1 or 2 years. make it work or leave. if you do neither you can't blame anyone but yourself.

astroid714 0

awwe how romantic, lmao ..dump him,

ydi, if he hasn't been romantic for 2 uears you should have dumped his ass a year and a half ago! then slapped him...... in the crotch ........ repeatedly ........ with a stick

If that's the most romantic thing he's said to you in the last two years, you don't need to be marrying him. Just imagine how unfulfilling the rest of your life will be if you do.

If he's that way before you're married it will only get worse after. Time to move on. You deserve better.

nchsbandgeek93 0

YDI because you stayed with the loser for so long.

If that's the most romantic thing he's said in 2 years, then you need to move on. Sounds like a VERY boring relationship to me.