By weddinggirl - 27/08/2010 09:57 - Germany

Today, my boyfriend of five years finally asked me to marry him. He said, "We could save on taxes if we got married… What do you think?" That was the most romantic thing he's said to me in the last two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 420
You deserved it 10 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lol. ydi for staying in a relationship with no romance. at least for ur end, try to spice things up


YDI for being with him. And YDIx100000 if you marry him.


PLEASE, I know you're in Germany and all ( if you're being honest), but PLEASE tell me if he was Jewish or not? Or even half jewish haha.

Mamu1977 0

My years of living in Germany taught me one thing. Well, two. 1. Drinking your problems away is a lot easier when someone in the house is making or saving enough money to afford the beer. 2. Germans (unlike Americans) don't really care about open marriages. Marry the guy, get his permission to **** or romance some other guy, then have your cake and eat it too, ya big baby.

vanillacoke13 0

If you consider that romantic, something (in my opinion) is not right with your relationship

A guy that doesn't bother to impress you now will continue not impressing you for life. Apparently you didn't set the tone. I hate the excuse "I'm just not romantic." If you know your partner and try to think of ways to create pleasant surprises or give gifts that took any degree of effort, it's romantic. "Not romantic" usually means "lazy." "I'm too lazy to bother with what would make you happy, so here's the bare minimum." I don't get what it is with so many couples dating for years and years and years now before they get engaged...and I'm not talking younger people. If there are financial or educational reasons for postponing a wedding or something, fine. I think in the U.S., the average couple dates for a bit more than 1 1/2 years before they get engaged. I think there's this mentality that the longer you date, the more likely you will have a successful marriage...and that's just not true. You can date for too long. Studies continue to surface showing that dating relationships that continue on for much longer than 3 to 4 years tend to be prolonged just because the couples don't want to make the decision about whether to marry or to break up. And if you're in the middle after years together, you should have your answer - it's time to go. Of course, that's entirely different if you're a teen or you're in your early 20s - you probably don't have the money or stability to be getting married. But people who are older than that, who have the money, the career, the education, and they've been with someone for at least a few years...what are they waiting for? You either have a good idea after a while, or you don't, and dating for 12 years won't change that. I think you deserve it for waiting 5 years for this guy to actually show you some romance, and he continues to fall short. He didn't deserve your precious time, nor does anybody require all of that time to decide whether you're a match. If the best he can muster is, "It's a tax break," you might have your future staring you in the face. You've clearly been unhappy with the romance for 2 years, and he's given up. Maybe it's time for you to give up too. If you date someone again in the future, set a healthy, reasonable time limit before marriage. I'm not saying that you should give a man an ultimatum. Just make your intentions clear, give it a healthy timeline (2-3 years of dating, I'd say), and then leave if that timeline is not met. Life is too short. Have a good one.

then why have you been with him the last 2 yrs?

you should watch the movie The Joy Luck Club. There's a girl in there in that type of relationship.