By anonymous - 27/10/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years gave me the silent treatment, refusing to talk to me or do anything more than glare at me during the entire three hour drive we took this morning. Why? Because I slept with his best friend. In his dream last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 51

Top comments

Okie7123 0

Your boyfriend threw logic out the window. What a douche

That's a little immature on his part, but whatever makes him feel better about himself. He'll get past it.


Pfft. Sort out your sentence structure. I know you were trying to create tension/atmosphere but it just looks shit. In other news, slap him hard. Might put some sense in his head. Alternatively, find out what happened in this dream in detail and DO IT.

oystercultviking 0

You should've turned it around and insisted with some psychological mumbo jumbo that it was his subconscious telling him that he's not attracted to you anymore. Freud said that we are everyone in our dreams :P Hehehe

Manny_B92 0

Well since she's your ex I wouldn't doubt it.

Hellsno 0

You dream *****, you!!! LOL Tell your boyfriend to grow a pair and to stop being such a girl

What a wally. Tell him you dreamt about sleeping with his best friend and be extremely happy and satisfied for three hours.

anybody else see irony in the role reversal?

You should have told him it was the best action you got since you two started dating.

Pajara666 0

Fuhhhh my bf is the same way. We're with a coupla idiots, girl. But hey, that's love eh?