By anonymous - 27/10/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years gave me the silent treatment, refusing to talk to me or do anything more than glare at me during the entire three hour drive we took this morning. Why? Because I slept with his best friend. In his dream last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 51

Top comments

Okie7123 0

Your boyfriend threw logic out the window. What a douche

That's a little immature on his part, but whatever makes him feel better about himself. He'll get past it.


EveryDayJackAss 0 old is your boyfriend? i wouldn't believe anything past the age of 12

"You shoot me in a dream you better wake up and apologize to me." Reservoir Dogs

ive heard of bitches doin that but never a dude...what a fag

erinreneehealey 0

maybe he's just really superstitious and believes in whatever he dreams, i would understand that. but believing a dream over you...that's messed up. unless he had reason to not trust you

He's obviously a fucktard. Leave him now.

My Girlfriend does this to me ALL the Time.. WTF? She'll dream that i slept with someone else or, and i laughed at her for this one, I broke up with her because she had spelt my last name wrong. So when she wakes up she'll freak out, yell, and give me the silent treatment.

HugoZorilla 0

Today, my best friend gave me the silent treatment all day. It seems I slept with his girlfriend. In his dream last night.

what an idiot... 5 years? seems like such a waste. considering you're with such a loser and an idiot.

Lol, it's cute in a way, but kinda stupid of him to be so insecure!