By anonymous - 27/10/2009 13:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of five years gave me the silent treatment, refusing to talk to me or do anything more than glare at me during the entire three hour drive we took this morning. Why? Because I slept with his best friend. In his dream last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 51

Top comments

Okie7123 0

Your boyfriend threw logic out the window. What a douche

That's a little immature on his part, but whatever makes him feel better about himself. He'll get past it.


My girlfriend had dream that she slept with my best friend and I walked in on it, in her dream. Now she keeps suggesting we have a threesome. Lol.

That really sucks. You're actually not the first person to post something exactly like that on I can understand how your boyfriend feels though. Once in a dream, I dreamed that my Mom went to Hawaii without me and I was pretty pissed at her for a day or two.

Your boyfriend REALLY needs a reality check if hes pissed at you for a dream **** him.

Sometimes I get mad at my boyfriend for things his dream counterpart did the night before, but mostly as a joke & never for very long. Tell your boyfriend to stop being a little bitch & get over it already, damn it!

Strongly disagree. She can't control his dreams or how he reacts to them, but everyone over-reacts every now & then. If this was normal behavior for him, then perhaps she should consider dating a more mature man. However, breaking up with a lover you've had for 5 years over a few hours of over-reacting on their part is a little immature & self-centered.

I have a friend who tried to maim his best friend because of a dream like that. Don't worry, they get over it.

don't let this idiot play violent video games. i don't want him making more statistics to fuel the anti-violence shelter-loving mothers trying to outlaw them. people like this make everything immoral and dangerous.

SayPeanuts 29

Just because he's pissed after a bad dream doesn't mean he's going to get violent.

maybe he just wanted you to shut your face for 3 hours. Jks, I actually had a dream where my sister killed my mum and when I woke up I stabbed her 13 times. jks, I just punched her in the face.