By Anonymous - 22/11/2010 19:52 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of over a year looked at me and said, "Sometimes I just want to hit you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 907
You deserved it 10 904

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You must be from up north. Down here in the South, he would have hit you already.


Maybe OP is so ugly that he just wants to hit her... *waits for angry commenters*

You must have been doing something that annoyed the hell out of him or something. I feel like hitting people too sometimes. Like little, obnoxious, bratty kids. That doesn't make me physically abusive though. I'm not acting out on it, it's just a thought I have sometimes. ;)

Are you serious?? why are you still calling him your boyfriend...

I am positive that almost every guy has atleast thought that before.

why r u guys all acting like hiring a girl is a bad thing? Jkjk

Well 61, it depends on the job. If it requires a lot of physical strength, I'd say a male would be more qualified for the position, not to sound sexist...

shit I meant hitting. I hate the iPhones auto correct. x_x

Please, EVERY single person has moments where the want to hit someone. Even if it's a friend or a family member, people piss other people off, everyone. OP, would you rather he DID hit you, instead of "just feeling like it"? He didn't, so it's not an FML, he's just saying what everyone wants to say at times.

And yes, there IS more the story. I highly doubt this guy got furious at you for absolutely no reason and said this, and seeing how the OP can't even recognize or elaborate on that, it's not hard to see why this guy gets so frustrated. Once again, at least he didn't actually hit you.