By Anonymous - 09/02/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six months dumped me for his girlfriend on Grand Theft Auto because he was "tired of having to please two women at once." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 579
You deserved it 4 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he just needed any excuse to dump you.

Did she win him over with a cheat code?


it's the internet, the day you start to take it seriously you lose

that's what you call someone without a life

Isn't that quite a bit like saying anyone who enjoys reading, film, or music, is a no life nerd who spends all their time (reading/listening to/watching) (George Orwell/Tool/A Clockword Orange) or whatever shit they (read/listen to/watch)?

starburgerdeluxe 0

what the.......... thats ummmm...crazy! lol

Folks really need to think about posting FML's like these. If you get dumped for an asinine reason, you are always better off that you no longer need to put up with the other person's crap.

last time I played grand theft auto I found out you have to do next to nothing with them he just wanted to leave you and he wasn't creative enough to think of a real reason

dude sorry but you must be really bad at sex