By Anonymous - 09/02/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six months dumped me for his girlfriend on Grand Theft Auto because he was "tired of having to please two women at once." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 579
You deserved it 4 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he just needed any excuse to dump you.

Did she win him over with a cheat code?


OMG I don't think it's true but if it is then LOL XD

kalel07 0

lol I play a coo 3-4 hours on days I play n still get messed up on weekends like these ppl say the alternative is.. I'm half loser

this is the most i cant even put it down in words what this is the world is really coming to an end when dudes is dumping they girls for pixels.

xanniefiend420 0

I play games for atleast 3 or 4 hours a day and I still lift and hang out with my friends and have awsome sex with my hotass girlfriend

ok, I know, I'm wrong on some things, I'm certainly not perfect! But I say this out of the anger that people in general here are so quick to toss out some jerk words....I'm younger, and I know how it is to be called bitchy and ***** and stuff, just from what people assume online! It angers me, because its crazy to think some person you don't know judges YOU on one comment! And also, I am a nerd, and I'm sorry that I put a bad backlight to it! (: I definitely understand people are offended to being called losers, but do you really have to get so worked up about it? And I see your right too, so I'm sorry this offended you!

I never claim perfection either and I was not offended by your comment, just merely stating that if Snickerdoodles is going to state comments she should know what she's talking about and she should be prepared for a response whether it be positive or negative (in this case very negative). As for the judging thing, everyone judges everyone else even if they don't mean to, it's human nature to look at someone or read something and instantly form an opinion. My buddy was once making bird call noises when we met this girl who gave us a a weird look and said "I swear I'm not judging" but then when he started using his arms as wings and clucking she gave another weird look and stated " I"m Judging! I'm Judging!". It happens, some people just take it a little more seriously than others and that your prerogative. Apology accepted on the nerd thing and yes some people do feel they have to get worked about some issues, if they didn't some things would never change.

bfffness 0

you don't have to please the women on GTA... WTF is he talking about.

And in return for his wise choice, he gets pleased by zero women and his hand. So... FHL. Move on.