By Anonymous - 09/02/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six months dumped me for his girlfriend on Grand Theft Auto because he was "tired of having to please two women at once." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 579
You deserved it 4 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he just needed any excuse to dump you.

Did she win him over with a cheat code?


michael32123 0

some people have obsession problems so don't say "no one would do that" cuz there are plenty of people who get overly obsessed with games

anaelantigua: It's a harsh world out there. If Snickerdoodles plans to state an argument or make comments that offend a large group of people, then she needs to realize that people are going to respond unkindly whether you or I think they are right are not. FML has a large audience and most of them are Gamers or Nerds ( nerds are amazing, so no need to put a bad connotation on the term), so of course she is going to get harsh responses for calling a certain group losers. You probably would not like it if someone said your hair looks like crap or "Holy cow did you gain 30 lbs since I last saw you". In fact you would probably say something disrespectful to that person too. Also most movies are NOT real and just because a movie stereotypes some group does not mean you should.

grimmjow2113 0

that's a good thing you don't want to be hanging out with a guy who likes sone stupid gta girlfriend more than you that's retarted

derrikRose 0

yeuh!111!!!11 finelly everrywon hase wrealized wut a dumb lil **** snickers is. eye maiself persunnalley mayde an akkount to just to tell snickers how much I HATE HER. feel free to flame to grammar nazi cuntbag