By Anonymous - 09/02/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of six months dumped me for his girlfriend on Grand Theft Auto because he was "tired of having to please two women at once." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 579
You deserved it 4 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like he just needed any excuse to dump you.

Did she win him over with a cheat code?


advent2060 4

um wow gamer hate much? not all gamers are losers who live in the parents basment and play wow or cod 24/7 im a gamer and I play soccer and rugby while going to college too so clearly u can be a gamer and not have ur life revolve around video games

Dear Snickerdoodles, you win the "most blatantly ignorant and holier-than-thou comment of the week" award. Although I cant help but admit MMO gaming is somewhat addictive, I myself play videogames (including MMO's) and still find time and enjoyment in studying, exercising, reading a good book, watching or reading manga or anime, cooking for myself, and others from time to time, and ofc running off with my friends bar-hopping or whatever the hell fancies us, and I do all of this (more or less) regularly. If on the other hand, you think your band of interests is the only thing worth it, and whoever spends time with something else is some kind of obsessive weirdo, well, good luck with your life as a delusional elitist prick.

punch her in her junk and shout you know why!!

Augh, your comment made me laugh and my lip split open

I would claim either: a- this is a fake (far-fetched) b- OP was dating a really disfunctional man (and would be better of without him) c- The boyfriend couldn't think of any better excuse to dump the OP asap (and is thus a prick as well as dumb) Good luck with that though ;D

You suck, take some responsibility for your life and pick a fuckbuddy who isn't a complete idiot.

Gavik 0

YDI for being a whiny bitch who can't make a sandwich and probably tried to make your boyfriend choose between you and GTA.

HeeeB21 0

sounds like ur boyfriend made the right descion lol

yeah WTF I'm a gamer I work and go out clubbing every weekend with my mates so not all gamers are losers

cooly1100 0