By oops - 08/08/2011 18:11 - South Africa

Today, my boyfriend opened the car door in a very kind and loving way. What wasn't so kind and loving was that my hand was still half-way when he closed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 570
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was just an accident no need to do a crazy disgusting revenge...


Lexi_101409 2

Auhhhhh thaaaat sucksss ! I would havee donee it to himm ! -____-

Atleast he didn't do it on purpose...

Polo_X 0

Did he make it up to you "in a very kind and living way" at least? I mean...he should. FYL

aw! I'm sorry but you should forgive him. I've done this to a girlfriend before.... it was accidental I'm sure. plus he will probably make it up to you.... (hint hint)

Sounds like a decent guy, dont think he did it on purpose or else he probably wouldn't have bothered opening the door for you D:

Sounds like a decent guy, i dont think he did it on purpose or else he probably wouldn't have bothered opening the door for you in the first place D: