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By lonelygirl - 14/10/2012 12:43 - Canada - London

Today, my boyfriend promised me he wouldn't leave me alone in Niagara. I'm currently sitting alone in the hotel room drinking a bottle of wine while he gambles away money he doesn't have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 505
You deserved it 3 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to find a new boyfriend in the hotel. Gambling is addictive, get out of the relationship while you still can.

Go home. He left you there, you leave him there. It's only fair. That way he can gamble his non-existent money away and find his own way home.


Time to find a new boyfriend in the hotel. Gambling is addictive, get out of the relationship while you still can.

Lindahhxd 7

Gambling can be stopped, if she really loves him she'd help him stop an addiction. But, OP gohave fun! Don't mourn

Your an idiot you cannot stop someone else's addiction. They have to stop themselves they have to want help

19 - Yes, that's what 10 just said... only in a more polite way. I personally like 10's way better.

If he has to promise that he won't leave you alone, then you shoulda sensed a problem.

Psych101 9

25- Also, 10's comment was grammatically correct. That always means that I'm inclined to like it more.

Well, at first I thought his was going to be a standard "dump him" comment Turn of events

I know I'm stating the obvious, but it sounds to me like the boyfriend is addicted. OP cannot just "get him to stop."

One does not simply "Stop" Gambling so easily.

flutter4 7

I have family members addicted to gambling and they make up all sorts of shit and tons of excuses so they don't have to stop.

If you have the car leave him and say "**** you"

MrBond007_fml 6

You should go to Niagara on the Lake, it's really nice, it will help you forget about your dumb ass husband.

I live near Niagara... Try going for a walk, it's pretty here. It might take your mind off of things for a while. :)

Go home. He left you there, you leave him there. It's only fair. That way he can gamble his non-existent money away and find his own way home.

MarisaCB 16

Go out. Party it up. Whoop whoop.

fyreprincess 3
sweetly1120 6

You're in Niagara, the opportunities are endless so get of the hotel room and find another boyfriend!

loserboii 11

Go out and have some fun! He is, so why don't you?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Get out of that relationship while you can. Gambling is addictive, and he won't change. Either go out and party and then go home, or just go home.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

I like how you say he won't change. How do you know? I live in Pa and have to go to Ny for my gambling addiction. I blow hundreds and hundreds of pennies on those devious slot machines.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#57- What I meant was that he won't change unless he wants to AND actively tries.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Ahh I know what you mean now. When I read your previous comment that said "Gambling is addicting, he won't change." I thought you meant he wasn't going to change no matter what. Didn't try to sound like a dick about it, if that's how it came off.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

You didn't! Don't worry about it :)

Get out while you can! Addiction is serious and gambling addiction can lead you to some serious financial turmoil down the road. He's willing to put his addiction above you and no one deserves that. I once tried to help a (now ex) stop smoking. He even knew there was a problem AND -wanted- to, but wasn't willing to help himself. It sounds like your bf #1 isn't ready/willing to admit there's a problem. #2 isn't wanting to help himself. #3 isn't ready to be accountable for himself. You can't help those that won't help themselves.

Who the **** said he is addicted? You're jumping to conclusions here. If you ask me, he's probably just a dumbass who is trying to have some fun.

You're jumping to a conclusion yourself there actually.

I said "probably". This person went on a whole rant based off of one assumption. I only said I thought the most likely situation was.

metaphoristic 8

The word "probably" doesn't immediately make a statement a non-assumptive one.

Leave him there and go to whirlpool or go across the border from Seneca Niagara casino to the Canadian side where there are tons of things to do or just take the good ol maid of the mist or cave of the winds.

Im pretty sure shes on the canadian side