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By pencilring - 04/09/2010 14:08 - United States

Today, my boyfriend proposed. The ring just had a piece of graphite on it. My boyfriend argued that since graphite and diamonds are both just forms of carbon, it is the same thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 726
You deserved it 14 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

slushpup9696 12
Breeneefml12 0

why are you bitching? at least you know he wants to spend the rest of his life with you now, so shut the **** up and be happy.


Flashy engagement rings are propaganda pushed upon saps by the diamond companies.

graciedacie 0

I totally agree. I'm a social worker and it makes me sick to my stomach when I see other people in my field with HUGE, over-the-top diamond rings. We get it; you married some rich jerk. Seems rude to flaunt it when you choose to work in a helping profession though.... Sorry, a little off topic, but it is a pet peeve of mine.

they aren't trying to flaunt anything you ignorant dumbass, wearing your wedding ring is the symbol of your love for your husband or wife and just because someone has money doesn't mean they are spoiled or they are a bitch/jerk to people!!!! plus when you buy and engagement ring for your girlfriend to propose, the ring is supposed to be equal in value to your 3 month salary otherwise your a cheap ass jerk who has no class!!!!

No, it's flaunting. Just like a guy driving a Ferrari.

no he probably likes nice cars and is able to afford one like I hate how most small cars are built but I don't mind what a porsche looks like and normally you buy a car that you like if you can afford it, it isn't flaunting, the Ferrari driver could probably care less about what everyone else thinks, my family has an H1 and just cuz everyone around us looks at the car when we drive it, it doesn't mean we are flaunting it, my dad just likes the H1

I think she meant it was rude in her profession, not in general. it is cause her profession is helping people.

I love how many FML comments mention propaganda. Religion, war, weed, and now a wedding ring. Propaganda has nothing to do with it.

dear foxhnter: I do not think it has to be three months of salary. I would have thought my husband was a MORON if he paid that much.

I agree, 3 months is too much! I mean, can you imagine spending $200K on a ring?! Jk ;)

slushpup9696 12
FatElie 0

Yeah, at least the dude seems smart... In some respects anyways.

I agree that it's not about the ring, but I would still be a bit disappointed if this happened to me. He went out of his way to get a ring, and he went even further to argue a point. Now she has an ugly ring and it obviously bothers her. If he was going to get a ring, why not get something cheap, pretty, and simple, rather than ugly? But all in all, the disappointment wouldn't last that long because I'd be getting married to the person I love, and that's all that really matters.

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omfgrofl1337 0

lol oh fcuk i said the same thing earlier but as a reply to number 1

hannahpie45 0
hannahpie45 0

At least he loves you enough to propose. Assuming you said yes, my comment is this. Shut your face. You're getting married, you ungrateful, materialistic bitch!

Op referred to him as her "boyfriend", so I don't think she said yes.

She might have. Most people don't go around saying "my fiance proposed".

She's not getting married unless she says "yes"

amazinggbaby 2

Diamond rings are traditional. So she may have wanted something better than a piece of grafite to show her parents.

ohthebloodygore 16

Screw traditional. She should be glad she's marrying someone with a brain! Not any person would know that.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

That's basic science. MOST people should know that. :P

ohthebloodygore 16

MOST people should know. MOST people don't. Meiosis is basic science, reproduction is basic science. Yet most people don't know.

amazinggbaby 2

Personally I think the guy is just being cheap. I'd rather just have a simple gold or silver band or something than a piece of grafite on my finger. And saying that he has a brain because he knows grafite and diamonds are both made of carbon? Go ahead and marry an 11th grade chemistry student because they also have "brains" in your criteria.

ohthebloodygore 16

174, I couldn't have said it better myself. amazingbaby, I don't know what 11th grade is, but I'm attempting to say that not everyone knows this. Most of my friends just think diamonds are diamonds and they're easily found. Not every person knows this, nor does every person pay attention in class, or remember this. The fact that he remembered and payed attention shows a lot. Even if people did remember, it's not like he was ring shopping and was like 'OH, graphite is cheaper!' Maybe he meant the symbolism behind it, Either way, ring or no ring, wedding or no wedding, he loves her and even considers marriage which face it, most people don't.

Yeah, so it is the thought that counts, but did anyone stop to think how they'd feel if they were in OP's situation? And not to mention all the 'what if' scenarios there are with this post.

205, excellent point. Personally, I'd be happy if my boyfriend did this for me. A ring is a ring is a ring; it's the meaning behind it that matters. On a slightly unrelated note, weddings are slowly becoming less traditional. I've seen black lace wedding dresses out there, randomly coloured tuxedos and suits, casual wedding attire, and ruby/sapphire/emerald engagement rings. They don't always have to be a picture perfect, white dressy dress and veil, diamond ringed wedding. I know a couple who were married at city hall. There were no wedding outfits; she wore a simple casual skirt and top, he wore jeans and a tee. Her bridesmaid wore something similar to her - dress pants and a top I believe.

Stupid glitches. Talking is easy, everyone does it. But really, assumptions assumptions. Everyone forms their opinions out of assuming what's really going on in OP's situation. That is where the 'what if's come in play. No one is really right here, OP could be an ungrateful bitch, or she could be the opposite. Honestly, I think that the boyfriend's excuse was a little cheap and saying that both diamond and graphite have carbon in it is also stretching it a bit, carbon is in many things. It's all opinion really.

ohthebloodygore 16

Stupid ******* comment bug! Okay, I did put myself in OP's shoes. I wouldn't complain. **** it. I wouldn't even complain if he/she did not propose to me. I wouldn't even be upset if he or she told me "Lets get married" and after planned he/she said "Let's donate the money instead" Because wedding or no wedding, ring or no ring, it doesn't change anything especially the way I feel about her or him. I'd be content with her/him saying "I love you and I can't promise you forever but I'm willing to try" I apologise, but you're idiotic for believing that a ring stands for the love you have. So if your boyfriend were to give you a graphite ring and a stranger gave you a diamond ring, you'd marry the stranger because apparently the ring is bigger, and more expensive which stands for his love. YOU ARE WRONG. You're idiotic. Seriously, a ring no matter how much or how big it is stands for he feels for you. What if he spent 10 years finding a simple piece of rock and said "I took forever to find this perfect rock for you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you" It doesn't matter how much it cost him, the thought that he spent 10 years looking for a ******* rock for you proves his love for you. Stop being such a materialistic bitch and grow a brain.

ohthebloodygore 16

Seriously, a ring no matter how much or how big it is does not stand for what he feels for you.*

Jeeziz, comment bugs. Alright, it's not like OP took the ring and threw it in her boyfriend's face and said no, solely because of the ring. It's all about the what if's and the situation OP is in, the situation no one really knows fully. So, no one is right about OP. It's funny everyone thinks OP's boyfriend is oh so perfect, what if he isn't? What if OP is just complaining about the cheap excuse her boyfriend used? I dont see it your way, obviously, but really it is about the real situation OP is in.

ohthebloodygore 16

Ohthebloodygore: And who are you calling wrong and idiotic? Just making a statement here, but I never said a ring stands for the love you have, and OP never said that as well.

ohthebloodygore 16

I'm calling everyone idiotic, get over it. I'm not calling Steph or Krystal idiotic though.

No one is idiotic here, and even if they were: interesting how you could detect it in such a positive sense. I was simply stating my opinion, like, oh i don't know, everyone else is on this website.

Op has the right no be a little upset. Just because she wrote this fml doesn't mean she is some materialistic self centered bitch. She never said anything about hating her husband, or saying no to him because of it. Just because YOU wouldn't mind, doesn't mean op shouldn't. However if she flipped out and made a huge deal about it then yeah, she's a bitch.

Then wouldn't he try and place that into his argument? Like I said, it's a what if, so it's not right or wrong. Sure, OP's boyfriend could be wonderful and all that good stuff. Eh, it's a simple FML and a matter of people's opinions. Can't argue that

ohthebloodygore 16

Still idiotic. :] I'm stating my opinion as well. My opinion is that you're idiotic. Stop being a hypocrite. My opinion is based on your opinion. I'm not saying it's a fact.

The only "what ifs" I could consider as justifiable would entail the boyfriend attempting to make any statement other than "I love you and I want to marry you." For example, if he was trying to say underhandedly that marriage isn't important to him and he's just proposing to shut up her nagging about marriage, then FYL (but kinda YDI too, for nagging in the first place.) Or if he was trying to make some kind of socio-political statement about materialism knowing she doesn't share his ideals, then it would be an FYL, because he can't put those opinions aside in deference to how she feels. But those are some pretty big, unfounded assumptions. Chances are higher that she's just being materialistic.

ohthebloodygore 16

Also, illmatic isn't an idiot. I forgot him. :]

ohthebloodygore 16

Dammit, people need to stop coming into this thread. TIJD is not idiotic either.

Kawaiichan42 3

I know I'm coming into this conversation a little late, but I agree with what ohthebloodygore is saying. OP is likely being materialistic, but I can see where she's coming from. She probably wants a big shiny diamond to show to her friends. I personally think it's an adorable change from tradition, but that's my opinion. Really, I wouldn't care if my boyfriend went out and bought me a gold-plated (because I'd break out if it wasn't real gold) cubic zirconium promise ring from Wal-mart. It's what the ring symbolizes, not what it's made of. Though I suppose you could argue that a fake ring symbolizes fake love.

26 I totally agree with you. It's very saddening to see how superficial and materialistic this world has become. An engagement ring is only to serve the purpose as a promise to your lover that you are bound to him or her and most people have lost sight of that. So what if the ring isn't blooming with real diamonds? A ring is a ring and if you tie money to how you feel for someone then you have it all wrong. I hate how old fashioned I am because it feels like I am the only one who feels this way, and it's just depressing. I am glad you feel the same way, though. Gives me hope :).

YDI for being shallow. this isn't an FML. your fiancee should have posted this instead.! "Today, I proposed to my girlfriend, even though she's a shallow jerk.FML"

Her fiancee? So she's a lesbian now? ;)

xp I knew that was wrong! I know fiancé is one and fiancée is the other, I always get them mixed up.

It's like French; two E's is feminine.

MetalFish 0

I didn't even know there was a difference! you learn something new everyday!

lovesteph3523 0

dont complain. At least he proposed to you.

That is highly nerdy and therefore awesome.

I swear you made your name just for FMLs like this.

#41 Funnily enough, it just happened to work out in a weird, cosmic way... O:

ok so your bitching about the ring not being a diamond wow you deserved it you a gold digging bitch