By fmlfmlfml - 11/10/2011 14:22 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend rekindled the romance with his ex, at my 21st birthday party. One of the few reasons I'd invited her was to show that I trusted him, and I no longer felt threatened by their continued friendship. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 842
You deserved it 8 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yikes that's rough, best of luck in the future. We don't all do things like this.

+1. There ARE still decent people in the world. I will rarely, if ever, continue communication with a serious ex, much less be friends with her. I don't understand why people think you can go from the feeling of being soulmates and in love to being platonic friends without those feelings coming back. They will, every time. Period.


every1luvsboners 11

They were just practicing for your birthday gift. They were going to give you the threesome that you've always wanted. Don't get angry, they were doing it for you. SURPRISE, get naked.

tsim_fml 0

boners, your new picture is wayyyyyy too complicated

fajitachan 6

He's a dick leave him. It's sad that things like this happen all the time, just goes to show you how much of a piece of shit people can be.

When the ex realizes she's stuck with him again, it'll get old real fast. We want what we CAN'T have, that's why it happened. You're better off without him.

NoNotTheFace 8

WHY ARE YOU KISSING HER?!?!! -Uh..uh...UHHH... This is ooonly a dream.*magical floating hands* None of this is real. I was kissing her for medical reasons. Also, she just went through a break-up. And I'm trying to make her feel better. Remember, this is oooonly a dream. *magical floating hands+slowly walking backwards*

ikickgingers 15

You forgot; it was his twin brother

And the fake accent, trying to pretend you are your own twin.

kitties_fml 12 a true FML. That ******* sucks.

How stupid of you. Don't you know even if she didn't want him anymore, she didn't want him happy with you either?! Brilliant.

Ironripster 0

pretty ****** up, i hope they didnt make up in ur room while u were blowin out ur candles. Though on an upside it sure did give u a reason to drink and act a fool legally for once

Oh. My. God. I woulda have thrown a bitch fit at both of em!

selahsmithereens 1

Never trust someone who can stayed "friends" with a serious ex, or even with hookups. People can have friends of the opposite sex, but not ones they shared an intimate history with.

That's not true. If the feelings are gone they're gone. Not all people are as awful as OP'S ex