By countrygirl0118 - 17/12/2009 22:30 - United States

Today, my boyfriend's mother called me. She assumed that I bought him a PS3 for Christmas, and she and the rest of his family have only purchased him games to go with it. The thing is, I already got him an expensive gift. Now, I have to scramble to come up with the money to get this for him instead, and save the coat I bought for his birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 002
You deserved it 5 107

countrygirl0118 tells us more.

HI AGAIN I'M THE OP! first off the coat is nonrefundable, and I got him it because we do live in a harsh area and he has to walk to work wearing a million sweatshirts at the moment. second, no he doesn't live with his folks, we live together so in a way it would be for me too but i thought the coat had a more pressing need. third, i had discussed with his sister and his brother in-law that no, i was not getting him a PS3 until his birthday because blistering cold takes precedence over playing games. AND i had said if you really want to get him a game that's fine, but he won't be able to use it til February. THEN his mother called me, and told me about them all buying him games. I said to her on the phone, "I've already bought him a nice coat and was waiting til his birthday for the game system." She then said, "Oh, well I knew that, but we knew you'd probably want to get him the system too since we've all bought him games." One game is okay, but everyone buying him a game makes it look ridiculous and then he'll have all these games and not be able to use them for 2 months. ALSO i don't want to fight with his mother. This is the first Christmas I'm spending with them and on top of it his dad has bone marrow cancer and lymphoma and has chosen to stop his chemotherapy treatments, so this may be the last Christmas they all have as a family. So I'm not going to cause a fight. FINALLY, all you who commented calling me spineless, maybe you should learn to reserve comments like that considering that sometimes you cannot fit all of the story into the text space provided. But I guess your bad behavior must be a product of your upbringing. Very poor manners. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Top comments


dude who does she think she is 'assuming' you got him a ps3. FYL

greatnt249 0

Seems like the simpler solution would have been to, you know, set her straight on the fact that you hadn't bought him a PS3. Either that, or your boyfriend's mom is scheming you to save them from having to buy the PS3 themselves.


schwinn11 0

How's that your problem? You're the only person that got him something he can use!

What a bitch. You should've told her that that wasn't going to be what you were going to buy,

perdix 29

You make the spineless girl rent out her ASS to U and ME. "Scramble to come up with money" is a euphemism for whoring.

maybe his family should have asked you about it before they bought the games? unless you actually told everyone that you'd be getting the ps3, you really aren't at fault here and it certainly isn't your responsibility to get him one now. just tell his mum too bad, if she wants him to use the games everyone bought him she'll need to get the ps3 herself.

Seriously. Why would she only be calling NOW, once all the gifts were already bought? This is the kind of the thing you discuss beforehand. I know it's hard to do, but it probably would have been a good idea to let her know that you hadn't bought the system. Those things are expensive!

thinmint 0

well that's a kick in the balls. ydi for being a pushover.

his mother shouldnt "assume" anything. plus how old is he for planning gifts for him? no one said ur obliged to get a PS3. make his mom by it.

AxCxDxDx 0

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Not everyone sits in front of a TV playing video games all day. Some people go outside... And to go outside in the winter you need a coat. I got my boyfriend a coat and he loves it.

I'd be ******* ecstatic to get a coat for Christmas C: My boyfriend's mom got me one last year actually. I also have a male friend who has an expensive coat and he loves it very much. Nice, well-made coats are actually pretty delightful for some people.. especially those of us living in very cold areas (Jesus it's 18 F out and I just took the garbage out and it's tit-freezing cold)

What's wrong with getting a coat? My Dad got me a lovely $300 trench coat for my last Christmas in their house (Moved out three years ago) and I love it to death! Keeps me nice and warm all winter long!

Very cold? Umm.. that's like chilly weather. If you want to talk very cold, let's talk about -40 C weather. That's like holy-*******-****-I'm-not-standing-outside-for-a-minute-longer cold. And yes, I just recently went through that kind of weather. It sucked. Now it's like -10 C which is perfect-o. Makes me happy. Anyways, I went off topic. Finally, an honest to goodness (unless there's more to the anecdote or it's fake but this sounds legit) FML. That definitely sucks. Give him the coat and tell the mother you didn't buy the PS3. I know people are saying to grow a backbone, but I'd probably be the same way as you just because I wouldn't want to get on the mother's bad side. But, this might be a scheme to get you to buy it so they don't have to or she thought you were going to buy it.. for some reason or another.

Holy shit, #59, are you from Saskatchewan?

wingedtoad 0

My boyfriend asked for a coat for Christmas. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't think I was the worst girlfriend ever if I fulfilled that request.

thats right, i would love to get a coat! had a 30min walk to work today and its -8*c degree, just wish i had one with a hood and fur inside, warm and cosy :)

holy shit -40 that is freezing even for me. i only know F so i converted it thinking it would be lower. -40 is the wierdest temp lol. -40 F=-40C

I live in south Texas. * sigh * I wish it got cold enough for me to NEED a coat.

you just said you have to get a ps3 4 him, but then u said save the coat you got him for his birthday. CONFUSING!

conanismyidol 6

She was saying she bought him a coat for Christmas, but now she's going to save it and give it to him on his birthday and get him the PS3 for Christmas. Not confusing.

Have fun banging guys for money. Hope it's worth it to buy this fella a ps3 and a jacket.