By KBL3 - 11/08/2010 09:16 - United States

Today, my boyfriend started talking to my breasts in public. As if that wasn't bad enough, he then started to jiggle them in his hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 245
You deserved it 14 984

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Women don't have a choice when a man jiggles their breasts? What strange and perfect world do you live in?


if u didn't like it why wld u even let him get to the point of jiggling them my friend you are what we in this world call a de de dee

*#56 revised to appear written by somone literate*: "If you didn't like it, why would you even let him get to the point of jiggling them? My friend, you are what we, in this world, call a de-de-dee." If you're going to insult someone's intelligence, at least TRY not to come across as a retard yourself...

It's gotta be pretty bad when you get schooled by a guy who spews nonsense at every thread. But to his credit he most always does it with proper grammar, punctuation and syntax.

Oh, I don't think they are nonsense in a negative way at all. They are often quite humourous. They are, however, trolling comments intended to present a ridiculous view of the situation; and as such, are nonsense in the same way that many Monty Python skits are nonsense.

ninjanate 0

if I seen tht I would've got a hard on

zkinsella 0

shut up fox rida 911 you're gay.

i dont see an fml here. I see a man with care for his ladies parts. Be grateful.

Pickled_Anon 0

Would you like it if someone started playing with your balls/boobs in public?!

yazmi_09 3

so, he likes your boobs! that's not a bad thing

Pickled_Anon 0

It's a bad-- no, HORRIBLE thing if it leads to sexual harassment. YES, that happens in relationships.

superguppy19 3

Shut up sexual harassment my ass this isn't work