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By Jacqueline - 01/07/2012 20:01 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend thought it would be romantic to throw pebbles at my bedroom window in the middle of the night. It triggered the burglar alarm, which woke up everyone in the house. If my parents didn't know I had a boyfriend before, they certainly do now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 234
You deserved it 4 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a pretty sensitive burglar alarm if it was triggered by pebbles.

unknown_user5566 26

He should've been creative and thrown a horse through your window, like Peter Griffin did. Worked out well for him. ;)


That's a pretty sensitive burglar alarm if it was triggered by pebbles.

brt3420 13

I work for a security alarm company and I deal with the equipment all day, it was most likely a glass break sensor. Older equipment suck and are easily triggered.

unknown_user5566 26

No kidding. That must be bothersome during storms if the wind is strong enough to blow objects into the windows.

xxmel 6

Pebbles? Sounds more like boulders.

He should throw tennis balls next time.

I know... My alarm doesn't go off unless a window is broken or opened. Just hitting it wouldn't work.

52- the hell did you just say? That has nothing to do with this FML. I'm sorry but explain what you mean, if you have the time

52, what the **** does that have to do with my comment or the FML?

Aug1508 9

Well that's one way to let them know you have a boyfriend. Next time tell your boyfriend to text.

And a burglar alarm is? Besides, since when is texting pictures of yourself in the mirror not romantic? < sarcasm warning>

puppytaco64 8

That wasn't even sarcasm, that was just kinda lame...

unknown_user5566 26

He should've been creative and thrown a horse through your window, like Peter Griffin did. Worked out well for him. ;)

reallytho3 11

We're not near peters creativity level yet lol

FMMFL1992 3

If he's doing something someone else did, then he is not being creative.

unknown_user5566 26

It's still creative, it's just not unique. Using your logic anyone who paints, writes, practices photography, etc are not using their creativity.

flockz 19

"where fore art thou Romeo?"

I did know that! Yay English class! haha

LOL I don't know why but I imagined 33's dog saying that, with glasses. Did anyone else, or am I the only weird one.

What happened to cell phones??? Or at least a softer object.

Yeah because throwing a cotton ball or A handful of feathers at a window is really going to get someone's attention.

I meant a bouncy ball or some similar material that doesn't scratch.

StopDropNRoll 11

simple rocks are free an are commonly located near windows and many other convenient locations.

unknown_user5566 26

I don't think the pebbles scratching the window is what set off the alarm. I think the fact that the window was being pelted with objects is what set it off. A bouncy ball would likely have the same effect.

That is the most creative comment that I have ever seen. I bet a lot of thought went into that comment.

47- well of course!! She had to decide whether or not "lol" should be in caps or not!!

Why didn't he run when the alarm went off?

Cause then it would have been considered a crime.

At least you know you're safe in your house.

trippythehippy 6

No I wasn't trying to sneak in.... I was trying to.... Uhh yea