By Grrrr! - 23/04/2011 14:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he wanted to hunt Easter eggs before we have sex. I'm glad he has his priorities straight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 025
You deserved it 10 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chellean11 0

Me. I don't see an issue with his priorities

ilovehamburgers 0

hunting Easter Eggs are awesome! and only comes once a year. you can have sex anytime.


nismos13420guy 0

wow all you ppl saying her boy was in the right wow hes right on his way to **** hunting what a fag sorry chick you need to gett you boy in line and im a guy saying this wow some ppls kids

I think you have a problem with your priorities

you can have sex anytime! Easter comes but once a year!

How old are you? Is your boy friend like 10 years old?

Chipmunk1994 0

you gotta let him be a kid before a wild man beast that wants nothing but sex... guys that can say they wanna do something as childish as that before having sex are usually the good ones that want you for more than your va-jay-jay. while still being a fun person

tinypurplegiant 0

I don't see an fml here....your going to have sex, just gonna have to be patient:)

ShanieceRamirez9 0

yea he is saving the best for last

broomhildo 19

How dare he want to do other things that don't consist of sex.