By Maddii1112 - 10/08/2016 19:28 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me that he loved me for the first time in a way I'll never forget. In fact, his exact words were, "You're not the only one that I love." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 569
You deserved it 1 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well he must love his parents of course right! And his cats and dogs... And goldfish... And food...

At least he's honest.. Maybe it was awkward, he wanted to tell you and didn't know how, he was nervous... But honestly, you should probably just move on.


Well he must love his parents of course right! And his cats and dogs... And goldfish... And food...

I hope you mean ex boyfriend (unless he's referring to family or pets or friends in a platonic way).

Well did he specify if the other person he loves is in terms of romantic love? It could be anything like family friends or even a pet

At least he's honest.. Maybe it was awkward, he wanted to tell you and didn't know how, he was nervous... But honestly, you should probably just move on.

Sorry but As a busybody.. I wonder "Who else?".. Could be good as in he loves his family as much as you.. Or.. It could totally swing the wrong side.. ? fyl..

Sir_Cow 17

Let's hope he's talking about his mom.

Could be he didn't express himself properly?You may wanna get clarification, as to who else is on his "love list"? Good luck OP.

And... probably you're not the only one who is gonna dump him..

Unlucky1232 20

um.... uh... Yeah he.... he loves his mom too of course and um.... his hobbies too gotta love those.... at least he's honest?