By Anonymous - 18/10/2017 16:00 - United States - Indianapolis
Same thing different taste
No, you don't
By tianap89 - 15/11/2023 00:00
Two-way street
By misspukesalot - 14/07/2020 14:02
Not a sponsored post, honest
By Superwoman678 - 27/10/2020 05:01 - Canada
Downhill from here
By Anonymous - 04/05/2022 18:00
What's on the menu?
By Anonymous - 08/07/2024 05:00 - United States - Yucaipa
By MDWilde - 30/03/2012 18:28 - United States - North Pole
By preggo - 04/12/2009 00:02 - United States
By crazycrochetlady - 17/12/2018 20:00
Get on with it
By Anonymous - 04/07/2023 03:00 - Belgium - Eupen
By Anonymous - 09/06/2009 17:07 - United States
Top comments
Its the rule of threes: 3 Minutes without air (Or in icy water), 3 hours without shelter (In bad conditions) 3 days without water(If sheltered) and 3 weeks without food (If you have water and shelter)
learn something new everyday!
Yikes. You should ask them if they can put you on some sort of dietary replacement formula, or you are going to get seriously sick, very fast. With that much of what's needed for basic life functions, never mind healthy functioning, it should be possible to get it covered by insurance under "failure to thrive" or a similar diagnostic code.
That sounds fishy. Get a second opinion!
I think if that were a method OP was willing to consider, they wouldn't have said, "Seven months to go." Rather indicates a desire to continue the mission, that.
that's just cruel. ur killing an innocent life
@Tina Marie Its more of a parasite than a functional life at this point for one. Especially since its brain is either still undeveloped or still so underdeveloped it can hardly be considered a "life." Saying that someone should have to continue a pregnancy (especially if it were one they didn't want to begin with) that is putting their health and potentially life at risk is, to be blunt, idiotic. You are saying that they should risk dying for a child that they potentially don't want, and that either they have to take care of a child with their health ruined by the pregnancy, or that they should die and leave the child- and any previous children- sans a parent. Which could leave them to be raised by the spouse or partner- who likely resents the child on some level- with all the difficulties involved in single parenthood. It could also result in them being placed in the horribly overcrowded, underfunded, and unsafe government care. Finally, if someone doesn't have the desire to bring a child into the world, they have every right to have an abortion at a reasonable time period. It's THEIR body, not yours, not the church's, not the governments, not the fetus's. Unless you personally would somehow carry the fetus the rest of the pregnancy term, and personally care for the child, don't tell someone to not have an abortion if they want one.
looks like you're a breatharian now
I assume that you also can't eat the standard pregnancy diet restrictions like fish, cheese, eggs unless overly done, raw vegetables and cafeïne. How exactly are you going to survive?

Seven months? I thought the human body can only go for about a week without food.
Your unborn child is already calling the shots! Seven months and 18 years to go!