By SE011194 - 24/05/2014 06:14 - United States - Atlanta

Today, my boyfriend told me that the girl he really likes sees me as a threat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 501
You deserved it 5 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him: "well, go for her, I will no longer be a threat." Why stay with someone that wants to be with someone else?


Uhh.. You mean EX boyfriend, right? I say DUMP THE TURD

Some people just don't undestand social norms.

What. The. ****? Social norms, what the hell is the social norm here, 'cause I'm confused? And why is your picture upside down, I never got that...

Epikouros 31

No, he mistyped: a girl he really likes sees you as a treat. They want a threesome.

A threat that she won't get taken right? Let's hope so Sorry OP

I would reply - That's funny, the guy I actually liked doesn't find you to be a threat at all.

Rather not - some people may sue if they receive faulty products.

Sounds a little like he doesn't know he is your boyfriend. You've got to tell him, OP!

rocker_chick23 27
nitrog100 21

Boo freakin' hoo. Welcome to the world.