By SE011194 - 24/05/2014 06:14 - United States - Atlanta

Today, my boyfriend told me that the girl he really likes sees me as a threat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 495
You deserved it 5 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him: "well, go for her, I will no longer be a threat." Why stay with someone that wants to be with someone else?


Uhm...lmao. Well there goes another one.


You might wanna consider if you were ever even together in the first place.

nannygirl1990 6

are you SURE you guys were really together? it kinda sounds like he only considered you a hook up buddy at best..but that's just going off of this very small amount of information. either way ouch. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.

You need to capitalize, I couldn't distinguish the beginning and end if your sentences

KatyLarae 13

If he really likes someone else, it's probably time to find your someone else

kitsuneluvuh 12

... It sounds like you're not actually together... Did you two ever have a sit-down and agree, in explicit terms, to be exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend?

Stop being a threat OP, it's not like you're his girlfriend! Oh wait...