By SE011194 - 24/05/2014 06:14 - United States - Atlanta

Today, my boyfriend told me that the girl he really likes sees me as a threat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 495
You deserved it 5 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him: "well, go for her, I will no longer be a threat." Why stay with someone that wants to be with someone else?


Plot Twist: the girl is crazy and actually isn't his girlfriend she just says he is although they are just friends

squarecircles 13

He sounds like a drama junkie who wants to get his kicks from having girls fight over him. I'd tell him "chow!"

he wants both, so let him have none. Dump him and tell her he has aids.

pennamay 11

She obviously sees you're better fit than her

Why would your boyfriend really like another girl thats not usually how relationships work, im pretty sure at least.. ? Right ?

Burn him in a fire. He's not worth your breathe sweetie.

Hope he was kidding, otherwise drop his ass!