By sadpoorlady - 22/06/2013 09:22 - United Kingdom - Appley Bridge

Today, my boyfriend used the "this isn't working, we need to talk" line on me. How nice of him to wait this long to do so, just days after we returned from the expensive Caribbean holiday that I paid for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 879
You deserved it 5 009

Same thing different taste


He Exploited you Caribean Style #FYl

cottoncandymango 17

If only you could leave his sorry ass stranded in the Caribbean. :(

Ah, the type that are nice to you just as long as a free vacation is involved. I've been there. Sorry you had to deal with that too.

Kozmotis 8

My sister's ex waited until the day before their Caribbean cruise to break up with her and move out. Guys like that suck. Sorry about the break, OP. :(

Sounds like maybe he met someone on the cruise that "he" thinks is a bigger sucker than you & will spend more money on him...drop him like a hot potato & see him become the poor,lonely slob that he is beg you back..then tell him "no, sorry...I wanted a man, not an unappreciative child to raise, good luck on your next endeavor" & close the door/hang up (whatever suits the occasion)

You shouldn't even be dating a guy who lets you pay for a holiday

rebel501 4

1. Unless it's a birthday/anniversary/whatever gift, you shouldn't be shelling out for everything for something as costly as a cruise or trip. If it was a gift, then that was your choice to make and the fact that you paid for it should be a moot point. 2. Vacationing together can bring out problems in a relationship, much like living together can. A coworker's daughter and her boyfriend actually specifically went on a cruise together before deciding to get married, to see how they put up with each other in a small space for two weeks. So while it's possible he's a dick who waited until after for a free trip, it's just as likely that the trip itself made him realize this wasn't working.