By sadpoorlady - 22/06/2013 09:22 - United Kingdom - Appley Bridge

Today, my boyfriend used the "this isn't working, we need to talk" line on me. How nice of him to wait this long to do so, just days after we returned from the expensive Caribbean holiday that I paid for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 879
You deserved it 5 009

Same thing different taste


nurchok 15

Why would you pay for the trip? I believe it is HIS lazy-ass' job to work, provide for the family (even if just starting), and pay for trips and what not. Just because he didn't offer to pay for the trip you should've used that line on him...

Hi, and welcome to the 20th century. Your remark is just as sexist, they can both pay an equal share.

How are you even using the internet from 1950?

How about the new and exiting idea that BOTH pay for their respective part of the bill. Go back to the 1950. I agree.

Yep, got the same from the GF. Went on two trips (to Las Vegas and then to Wine Country about 8k total) and she gave me the,"I think there are better people than me out there for you...." Joy.

The funny thing is the amount of FMLs who narrate the same thing happening just BEFORE leaving on some expensive trip :)

yew deserve it for paying fir the whole trip really?

I'm sure you would have posted of how dick he is if he broke up with you before the trip, at least he wanted you to enjoy it, you asshat

Well, you got the memories from the trip, so half of the money you spent on yourself. For the other half talk about repayment plan. I am curious, what would have been your reaction if he said it right before the trip? Unless you had a back-up bf :)

When's a better time though? I've broke up with a guy once after a vacation - because I was upset about how he acted on that vacation.

You don't want that douche in your life anyway!

mastatheif 8

That's a considerate neighbor

I see this all the time and I'm left wondering why you women are paying for everything. That's your first red flag. If a man allows you to do that he's not worth your time. ydi