By sadpoorlady - 22/06/2013 09:22 - United Kingdom - Appley Bridge

Today, my boyfriend used the "this isn't working, we need to talk" line on me. How nice of him to wait this long to do so, just days after we returned from the expensive Caribbean holiday that I paid for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 879
You deserved it 5 009

Same thing different taste


A few FMLs ago, the Op complained about her bf breaking up at the beginning of the trip, this OP complains about the bf breaking up after. Looks like there's just no pleasing some people

I was just thinking that! Although in this one I think the main reason she's upset that he waited is because she paid for everything. She probably could have taken a friend instead, but he decided to take advantage of the free trip and then dump her afterwards. (Just my guess)

Maybe they already had problems in the relationship and the trip was an attempt to rekindle, and he decided it wasn't working after all. Either way, I believe if there is more than one adult person coming along, expenses should be equally split that way no one feels like they are being taken advantage of.

He abused you and your Wallet in great measures and lenghts

RrubiksCuber 6

Come on guys - if you were in his situation, would you seriously break up before the vacation? Really? And he wasn't manipulating her (not that we can tell at least), it seems that she was fine (at the time) with paying in full.

olpally 32

Kick him in the nuts, that's all that needs to be done now. ******* douche bag mother ******* asshole.

meaganxo 14

I'm sorry OP, you don't deserve that. Karma is a bitch though

SwtCherryPie 26

That is a very shitty move on his part, but would you rather him have broken up on your first day of the trip then made the whole vacation miserable?

mad_hatter0666 22

It could have been worse. He could have done it before your holiday and you could have been depressed the whole time, unable to enjoy the trip. He's still a dick though. Sorry, OP.