By Wawawiwa - 21/07/2010 23:44 - Namibia

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. After removing my underwear, he started singing "In the jungle, the mighty jungle..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 827
You deserved it 53 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, your bf is awesome, stop complaining

my comment never showed ip :( I was first too D: anyways, all my comment was was "the penis sleeps toniiiiight" ;)


welandedonthemoo 5

I have crop circles in my bush

ManaUser 0

At least he said it was mighty.

hahaha maybee you shoulldd shave that thenn

MooseIsLoose 0

you might want to get out the weed wacker and tame the jungle! just sayin....bad kitty!

LMFAO, I'm guessing the lion doesn't sleep tonight.

RawrBunneh 0

ewwwwwwz shaving is uncomfortable with the stubbly feel! I used to wax down there now I have had laser hair removal. i love it!

terranada 3

it's calked shaving cream. I thnk ur bf was trying to tell u sumthng op

rubyliu8420 7

ydi! shave that shit bitch!

bakingstuff 0

op did your boyfriend also say hakuna matata?