By Wawawiwa - 21/07/2010 23:44 - Namibia

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. After removing my underwear, he started singing "In the jungle, the mighty jungle..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 827
You deserved it 53 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, your bf is awesome, stop complaining

my comment never showed ip :( I was first too D: anyways, all my comment was was "the penis sleeps toniiiiight" ;)



epic boyfriend, gotta remember this one for future use.

KMurillo 0

Lmao . . . Either trim it, shave it, or get it waxed

ToxikFox 0

Shaving your privates bare is gross if you ask me. I get keeping it from growing too long, but hair is not bad. It's 100% natural. otherwise we wouldn't HAVE pubic hair. everything on our bodies exist for a reason. besides, why complain about comments from your partner? stop being lazy and do it yourself ;)

So chicks shouldn't shave their armpits either since its natural?

Some people would say no, chicks shouldn't shave their armpits either. It's all a personal preference.

welcome to the jungle it gets worse here everyday...

Trixies100 0

Well some ppl don't know why we have pubic hair, it has magical powers.

mine sang "oh Christmas tree..." but nothing to do with not shaving haha just a wierdo.

brightlightsbloo_fml 0
Blacksmokehick 0