By caligirl921 - 11/12/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. When I orgasmed, my leg flew out and I accidentally kicked him in the balls. For the next ten minutes, he lay in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 069
You deserved it 21 117

Same thing different taste


what does going down on someone mean?

baddawg365 0
doof_fisch 2

sounds to me like he gets his kicks going down on you.

warrsoldier209 0
Pandora9321 0

hahahahaha OMG I'm such a jerk but this made me crack up so hard!!

hashoahxxx 0

**** this isn't your fml it's ******* his.

My_Name_Sucks 2

How do you go about kicking someone in the balls while they're going down on you? I mean, just think about the position your legs are in during that. I just don't see how your foot could have reached his balls unless maybe he's a midget or something. Hmm...

He should be glad he was doing something right! ;D

you monster. no man should have to suffer a blow to the balls at a timing like THAT

well what do you expect? you kicked his jewels of course he would be in the fetal