By caligirl921 - 11/12/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. When I orgasmed, my leg flew out and I accidentally kicked him in the balls. For the next ten minutes, he lay in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 069
You deserved it 21 117

Same thing different taste


well, it's probably a fair trade if he got you pregnant. During the labor pains you can look back on that moment and think "I should have kicked harder"

why is everyone feeling bad for the BF? it wasen't him that got kicked. It was his future child that just got one-upped

How is this even FML? It should be F his Life, he was kindly going down on his girlfriend and got kicked in the balls for it. Thats equal to you giving him a ******* and him punching you in the face to thank you. WTF is wrong with people? You kicked some poor guy in the balls and we should feel bad for you? Ridiculous.

theycallmeMimi 0

Wait... Who kicks at that angle...?

"my leg flew out. . ." I'm imagining your leg popping off and flying around the room, then kicking him in the balls

Heyballard 0

Ummm how is this even physically possible? Unless you guys have some weird sex position that nobody knows about, lol.

Well, at least it was good. The sort of thing you'll laugh about once the horrible pain is over. By the way, in reply to a bunch of comments, if you're going down on someone, kicking them in the nuts seems like a perfectly doable thing. Also, 140, It's an FML because she accidentally hurt someone she cared about. Pretty FMLish to me.

quarterboy12 0

haha dude thats hillarious! hope he can still have kids!

bf side of story. today while having sex, my gf kicked my balls. i cumed blood

hahahahahaha...I mean that must have hurt so bad..