By caligirl921 - 11/12/2010 06:00 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. When I orgasmed, my leg flew out and I accidentally kicked him in the balls. For the next ten minutes, he lay in the fetal position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 069
You deserved it 21 117

Same thing different taste


wow, he should pretty much never go down on you again. you effectively gave him the exact opposite feeling you were having. his pain, your pleasure, i guess... |the kid|

zackkmann21 0

who kicks there leg up when they ******? hahaha

With some girls, if the ****** is strong enough, they'll buck their hips, or kick a leg without warning. I've gotten a bloody nose from a girl's pubic bone getting launched full force charge into my face. I'm not surprised OP kicked. But this is more of a FML for her boyfriend...

now he'll think twice before he does it again.. lol

oh_wow_why_me 0

why the h**** would this be an FML??? you didn't get kicked in the balls whimsy bitch, that HURTS LIKE **** and your complaining? I hate people sometimes

Well I'm no expert but maybe it's because she accidentally caused her boyfriend a lot of pain? Certainly, it's more of a FHL but that doesn't mean that this wasn't a bad experience for the girl, either. Don't act like you wouldn't be mortified if you kicked your significant other in a painful area right after they'd done something wonderful for you.

GotALife 11

#73 A least there is one decent person who has a brain here-_-

vballer123456 0

only one thing to say " ouch"

That's kinky. Next time, make sure he wears a cup to protect his balls and tell him that if he does as good a job as last time that you *might* let him ****** too, in a manner of your choosing. ;-)

Babay_gurl457 0

How is this an FML more lik FHL man... Learn whos life sucks more trying to b nice by doing tht n gettin repaid by gettin kicked so shut it!

m0tl3ycru3qwr 0