By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 13:20 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend, who is supposed to protect me from murderers and rapists, had an emotional breakdown because he was so excited that I'd cooked french fries for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 977
You deserved it 27 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a good thing isn't it? He was happy you made him something he enjoys. Food always gets to us men.

perdix 29

He's protecting you from murderers, yet you are trying to kill him from the inside. Ingrate!


He's "supposed to protect you"? Well not to worry, the kitchen's a pretty safe place and you're not supposed to leave it.

Yeah, kitchens are really safe places. Just because there's less of a chance of a dangerous person, doesn't make it safe per se.

If I had known that was part of the deal I would have broken up with my girlfriend a long time ago.

keshaforever1 14

Really?This is why woman are considered the weaker sex,because we expect our boyfriends to protect us at all times.

sparklecherry 4

Maybe you should cook more often. Geez.

Ill take his place ill protect you make you safe Ake shure you never leave the house wear what i tell you **** when i say so and cook what i want and yell at you all the time to asert poroper domanence sound better? So your dating a fag deal with it or move on bitch.