By Anonymous - 17/01/2012 13:20 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend, who is supposed to protect me from murderers and rapists, had an emotional breakdown because he was so excited that I'd cooked french fries for dinner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 977
You deserved it 27 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a good thing isn't it? He was happy you made him something he enjoys. Food always gets to us men.

perdix 29

He's protecting you from murderers, yet you are trying to kill him from the inside. Ingrate!


Are there a lot of murderers and rapists after you?

We're talking about french fries here...I don't blame him.

What makes you so special that all these murderers and rapists are after you? Maybe your boyfriends breakdown had more to do with your paranoia than french fries?

Home cooked french fries? I want you in MY kitchen!

im so sorry, he must really like french fries, try french kissing with him, see what happens

Probably some deep, emotional, childhood connection to french fries.

Yummy french fries :) there's nothing better lol

jamaicanbunny 0

That's a weird thing to say..