By hendrix1 - 25/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wrote me a break-up letter, using Comic Sans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 616
You deserved it 4 519

Same thing different taste


artisticalanna 2

Hahaha you must be a graphic designer if you hate Comic Sans...

OhEmGeeItsB 1

Would Times New Roman have been more preferable?

Nuahavizu 17

if you get so pissed because of the font he uses to break up with you then i can understand why he broke up with you. just cause he used comic sans doesnt mean anything other than maybe he thinks it looks better than wingbats. i say YDI for being a bit too dramatic.

Nexus_surgeon 7

You must be proud.He have VERY good imaginationYou must be proud.He have VERY good imagination

Your life doesn't suck because of the breakup letter, your life sucks because you knew the difference.