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By love_letter - 29/08/2010 23:41 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of a over a year broke up with me. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't written him a long letter about how much I love him, and that I'm so glad we're together and so glad that he promised he would always be there. He'll be getting it in a few days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 771
You deserved it 3 841

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anaxes 5

Tell us more! What did you think as you moderated it? Did you wonder if it would get accepted? Were you nervous? Fearful? Angry? Will you try moderating again? Was it exciting? I'd also like to tell you that you averted a global crisis by telling us that you did.

FFML_314 11

Maybe he will read the letter and change his mind.


Maybe he'll change his mind and want you back...

who writes letters to their current boyfriends?

ydi for not using email. what is this 1954 ?

linx468 8

Dishheads you retard, a love letter written by hand is more romantic than an email and romantic is what the op wanted the letter to be.

susieKiute 0

awww :( I hate jerks that lie and mess with your feelings

Griggy 0

Maybe he sensed your neediness and decided to break it off...

wowthatsucks5 8

just if he confronts you about it say you were being sarcastic cuse he said he's all ways be there for you then he broke upwith you.... unless he thinks it's sweet or something

What's with all the FMLs with "It wouldn't have been so bad if..."? Its consistancy is rather irritating.

LMFAOwned 9

It's called a cell phone. Buy one.

It's meant to be romantic and more thoughtful. Actually putting effort into something. Instead of half a**ing it like most people do

schwancy 2

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kaijapapaya 0

I think its kind of cute. Guys may not be so sentimental, but if my boyfriend took the time to mail me a love letter, it'd be a lot more touching than a text that takes two second.

FFML_314 11

Maybe he will read the letter and change his mind.

iron_chefITALY 0

the truth will set you free

12- that's what I was thinking. She's going to look like a crazy ex that won't let the relationship go. That or he will see the error of his ways and get back with her. I can see either way.

thriceforme 3

That does suck :-/ Really though, you're probably better off without him.

Anaxes 5

Tell us more! What did you think as you moderated it? Did you wonder if it would get accepted? Were you nervous? Fearful? Angry? Will you try moderating again? Was it exciting? I'd also like to tell you that you averted a global crisis by telling us that you did.

oh my this sarcasm is overwhelming. I love it.

KianaCaca 10

Maybe he'll change his mind? :D

If he reads the letter and changes his mind...don't take him back If he did it once he'll do it again. yeah, take that!

Sounds like a long-distance relationship, if he is quick to dump you in such a situation you really shouldn't waste your time and heart