By hendrix1 - 25/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wrote me a break-up letter, using Comic Sans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 616
You deserved it 4 519

Same thing different taste


Comic sans is legible down to 3pt font close up and 6 pt at arms length, it also lacks the sharp edges and serifs and so it remains legible better when being sent over poorly functioning fax machines or being printed on pile of crap printers or copied on poorly maintained xerox machines under objective technical analysis comic sans is a superior font in every way. Aesthetically is is pleasing to most casual users and lay persons, Designers and "Graphic Artists" drink the haterade due to their own elitist attitudes and unearned disdain for the common man.

This marks the first time I've been proselytized over a font. You're a regular Comic Sansologist, aren't ya?

That was a comic strip on Cyanide and Happiness!

Kahuna382000 2
alexandra_loves_ 0

I HATE THAT FONT! go punch him or write a message with another gay font like times new roman or something.

p33lzhear 6

you are better off without someone that would even think of using comic sans for anything...ever.

Battle765 4

Who really cares what font he used. At least he didn't just get drunk and try to hook up with your mom and let nature take it's course from there.

ninjas27 0

Wtf how is this a FML?!?!!!

redfinton22 9

AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'm so, so sorry for laughing but that's the most brilliant thing I've ever heard of hahaha