By hendrix1 - 25/08/2011 14:33 - United States

Today, my boyfriend wrote me a break-up letter, using Comic Sans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 616
You deserved it 4 519

Same thing different taste


theblackzach 0

At least it wasn't wing dings

xxslayer77xx 3

More like crack up letter! :D Sorry, your ex must have been a C&H fan......FYL? COMIC SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!

briannaahhhh 0

comic sans is awesome, but that suck

So he reads cyanide and happiness. "it'll be more of a crack up letter! Shell be laughing too hard to be sad!"

lol he did it in style..... wats the issue

thats kinda messed up and childish of him, smh FYL

rwq891 4