By horselover7766 - 25/04/2012 23:08 - United States - Sewell

Today, my brother and I were shoveling mulch. He pushed me in and then ran away, laughing hysterically. I was stuck in the mulch, and no one would help. I was literally in deep shit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 490
You deserved it 2 707

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope the first thing you did once you got out was to give your brother a huge bear hug.

Shit, that's horrible. I hope you slept in his bed when you got home, before your shower!


Hahaha mulch isnt shit. Mulch is bark or cut up trees and shit

haterzgonhate 1

Mulch is wood chips. Fertilizer is manure, or in your case "deep shit."

skullofdarkness 18

Mulch is shredded wood. Fertilizer is shit. Get it right.

marisadc79 0

Mulch is chipped up wood you're thinking of manure sweetie lol. If it was indeed mulch I assure you that you weren't literally in s**t. FYL for not knowing the difference and I'd be kicking the brothers arse either way.

Step1: Get his toothbrush Step2: Get creative

pearljamfan192 5

Mulch isn't shit it's pieces of chipped wood sprayed with water and turned over to keep it all moist. There are many colors so it might have looked like shit but was just a dark color.

I wouldn't help you that's for sure. Lol

Kristoffer 35

"Literally" would imply you were in actual feces. You said you were in mulch. Please try not to misuse the word "literal", thanks.

A variety of materials are used as mulch: Organic residues: grass clippings, leaves, hay, straw, kitchen scraps comfrey, shredded bark, whole bark nuggets, sawdust, shells, woodchips, shredded newspaper, cardboard, wool, but also animal manure, etc. Please Google mulch and stop trying to put people down on something you don't even know. Thanks...

cooperd52 6

Mulch isn't shit it's wood chippings.

PatCoFan 0

Mulch isn't manure its just wood