By Good sister - 13/10/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, my brother in law got into a fight with my husband. My pregnant sister was yelling at her husband to stop beating my husband up. When I came into the room, I asked why they were fighting. You'll never guess who the real father of my sister's baby is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 151
You deserved it 3 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....


nightnurse1 0
token_blackguy 18

Your nephew is your husbands son... awkward.

What a terrible mess. And it's not as if you cab just throw him out, move on & not look back; your nephew/niece will be a constant reminder of this terrible betrayal. Betrayed by husband & sister alike, how very needlessly cruel. You have my sympathy.

Wait, wait just a second...Maury didn't read the results yet...commercial break.

seximexi911 10

My jaw just dropped. I'm so sorry, nobody deserves this.

I wonder if the OP has children with her philandering husband. How awful to have to explain to then that their cousin is also their sibling. It's astonishing that neither the husband (who'd taken vows to be faithful) nor the sister (who is family and the OP had every right to expect loyalty from her) ever thought, "Gee, maybe I should think with my brain & not my crotch!" So much pain caused by selfishness...

student34 3

obviously you need to be impregnated by her husband to make it even

AmandaIsMyName 0

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Hahahaha