By Good sister - 13/10/2011 23:20 - United States

Today, my brother in law got into a fight with my husband. My pregnant sister was yelling at her husband to stop beating my husband up. When I came into the room, I asked why they were fighting. You'll never guess who the real father of my sister's baby is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 151
You deserved it 3 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you.... Just not right that infidelity should manifest itself like that. I'm sorry for your loss. It certainly is a loss. He has taken something from you that you can't get back....not only him but both of them. Can't imagine how you feel. Best wishes. Hope you launched a foot into the cheating happy sacks....


Sooooooooooo, your husband is not only a pussy (getting his ass whipped) but an asshole as well. Then let's talk about your **** sister - the two of them are a match made in heaven. Tell those two to GET THE **** OUT of everyone's life and go ruin someone else's family. As for you, well, you need to move on, find someone loyal and caring - get a dog - and not the two legged kind - see what that one did to you already!

perdix 29

My guesses are: 1) Newt Gingrich 2) Chaz Bono 3) Honey Badger I hope the OP is going to reveal the true answer. I come to FML for laughs and not to get my brain strained with intractable riddles like this one.

comment not up to your usual standards perdix

Marcella1016 31

Lol 78 I scrolled through the comments just to see if anyone said that. FYL OP. Also, if the Jerry Springer show doesn't work for you, Maury is known to do paternity tests for you.

pyrogirl6622 0

I would be getting a divorce lawyer and seeing what I could take him for. If he cheated on you with your sister I'm pretty sure their are alot more you don't know about!

Shoulda let your bro in law keep kicking his ass

your husband is an asshole and your sister is a cow! how could they do that to you and your brother-in-law?

arielbritnee 0

You can take every penny he is worth! Make that bitch miserable.