By Anon - 01/04/2015 06:06 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my brother mentioned my dad's birthday party. I said, "What party?" He said, "Shit, forgot I wasn't supposed to tell you." My own father doesn't want me at his party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 174
You deserved it 3 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Silver lining: No need to buy him a birthday present! Honestly though, your dad's an ass.


This FML prank by the moderators! I'm laughing my ass off right now XD XD

Anyone else sick of FML moderators trolling us

It was funny at first, but now that my eyes are bleeding, I don't find it funny at all.

I was wondering why this FML got published.... Then I looked at today"s date - good job guys

Maybe it's an april fool? If not, then it's really really mean...

Damn you FML for da spelling. Its freaking me out

I take it that you stopped editing FML submissions before posting them. How annoying. I have a hard time understanding some of these...

This was fun to begin with but now I'm just too tired with the FML trolling, it's just annoying reading all these with this greeaatt English grammar and stuff

anonymous100000 17

it's okay, my father hates me too. join the club.

lifeisstrange84 8

This begs the question, what have you done?