By rkbkate - 11/07/2012 05:04 - United States - Phenix City

Today, my brother was playing with the pepper spray on my key chain. He didn't think it was real, so to test it he sprayed me in the mouth while I was asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 533
You deserved it 2 879

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rkbkate 6

This was my post thanks for all the comments guys Haha my brother has a rude awakening coming soon Haha and he is no longer able to touch my keys.

Top comments

Your revenge is simple. While he sleeps, spray his balls.

Damn! What a rude awakening! Is he still alive. I'm cranky as hell if woken up normally! I would have to plot my revenge very carefully...


my brother would have got the worst beating of his life!!!!!!

As a brother he didn't disbelieve it was real that was his excuse to avoid getting in trouble for it. If he hadn't thought it was real he would have tested it on himself. He used it on OP because he knew it was real and thought it would be funny.

Why would someone carry fake pepper spray?

Coat the inside of his briefs with A5-35