By no - 08/12/2016 14:37 - United States - New York

Today, my cat jumped out a fourth-story window when I went to pet her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 890
You deserved it 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If I lived that high up and wanted my windows open, I would at least put a screen up or something to keep my cats from jumping out the window. Hopefully your cat is okay OP, but I would consider getting something so you can have your windows open and keep your cat safe.

Honestly, if you live on the fourth story, I wouldn't even think you should have windows open, unless you can do it without the possibility of your cat going through.


Hope your cat is okay! I have a friend that lived on a 3rd floor apartment and his cat always sat on the windowsill, he stretched and the screen was loose and he fell. He was okay though.

It's definitely in a better place now. A more responsible place, with proper care and plenty of rest.

MaiqTheLiar 11
kendylstormeverhart 0

cats can fit their bodies through anything their heads can fit under. true story.