October Spooks By FML Videos - 04/10/2018 18:30 Scare or be scared. I agree, your life sucks 266 You deserved it 71 Share Tweet Share
Today, I took a peaceful walk through the park, and then sat on the grass. As I was enjoying the quiet, a dog appeared out of nowhere and decided my shoes were a chew toy. I spent 10 minutes trying to wrestle my shoes away from this dog, while its owner casually walked in the opposite direction. FML I agree, your life sucks 379 You deserved it 58
Today, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time in over a week, because I had been having weird cramps. Afterwards, I was experiencing the worst pain I’ve felt in my entire life, so we went to the ER. Turns out my cramping was from an ovarian cyst, and having sex made it rupture. FML I agree, your life sucks 2 620 You deserved it 213
Today, I went to orientation for college. They gave us a name tag and I tried to figure out how to put it on for a few minutes. After struggling with it I realized it was a sticker. FML I agree, your life sucks 7 851 You deserved it 29 884
Today, I found out I'm pregnant. My husband reacted by going out and smoking weed, then getting completely shitfaced, and having his buddies drag his nearly-comatose carcass back home from a strip club. FML I agree, your life sucks 30 476 You deserved it 5 197
Today, I got a call from the police informing me that my car was involved in an accident outside my house. At least I can prove I was in another continent when it happened. FML I agree, your life sucks 528 You deserved it 78
Today, my dad and I got into a fight over who gets the last corner piece of the brownies. I ended up with a black eye and and a sprained wrist. He ended up with the brownie and ran away laughing. FML I agree, your life sucks 29 912 You deserved it 7 746
Today, I found out that my girlfriend of 2 years lost her virginity on a cruise last week. FML I agree, your life sucks 5 880 You deserved it 769
Today, I had a major falling out with my best friend. Angry, I sent a short text message to him explaining how I felt. I soon noticed I'd accidentally texted "I'm going to fucking kill you, asshole." to my boss instead. I'm still waiting on a reply. FML I agree, your life sucks 10 597 You deserved it 40 425