By Anonymous - 15/12/2011 21:49 - Australia

Today, my cat vomited violently. I can smell it but I can't find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 348
You deserved it 3 434

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HoboSmeller 6

pretend to be a cat and see where you would vomit violently.

txgirl2013 14

Well you will be going on a stinky scavenger hunt.


hire a dog to sniff it out. just make sure it doesnt eat it

Just check your most expensive pair of shoes.

You need a bloodhound to sniff it out. Dogs are beter cuz they will actually help you!

that is nasty. Glad i've never been there!

Haha, I feel for you, it reminds me of the days I had to hunt for my diarrhea-struck old cat's affectionate surprises through the house. Weirdly enough, she didn't find the time to go to the litter box, but still found a well hidden place to relieve herself.

Thats why you should leave the dam cat outside :p

livvikay913 1

The cat probably ate it, and you can still smell it.

You better tear your house apart and look for that vomit. Who knows what it'll smell like in a few hours or days..?

You know you're sleep deprived when your first reaction is, "just ask the cat!"